J.R. Fleming is in hiding.
There have been multiple assassination attempts since the publishing of his last book, THERE'S A GIANT COMET HEADED FOR EARTH (maybe). Luckily, none were successful and J.R. was able to retreat to a safe place where he can focus on his writing, which is the most important thing to him.
We have a full-time translator on staff to help us transcribe his work, but the backlog is immense, and the Ancient Languages are very dense and difficult to translate correctly.
These difficulties have been compounded by the multitude of troubles that our small publishing company has faced since taking on J.R. Fleming as a writer. Since publishing his first book in 2020, our world has been turned upside down. Our offices have been broken into and ransacked, two pallets of The Guiding Golden Way were burned to ashes, our employee's cars have been vandalized right outside of our office, and we have faced stalking and harassment from men in white vans who circle our office and follow us home at the end of the day.
Our listings were taken down from Amazon and we have been banned from selling our books there, which crippled our operation even further. Yet we persist with our efforts because we feel that we are doing something important. We are nothing if not indignant, and will not be bullied by CIA goons who don't even have the courage to show their faces except as they drive past.
Even still, we are accosted with DDOS attacks, strange and threatening phone calls at all hours, and even photos of our family members mailed to our office. Most disturbing of all, nearly every employee has reported sightings of a lone horse without a rider appearing just out of sight, in the corner of our vision, and in our dreams.
Even facing such threats, we have decided to continue our partnership with J.R. Fleming. He believes that we can achieve his goal through messenger bird, and we have successfully set up a roost on the roof of our office building for the many birds we receive throughout the day. We considered putting Angela's office on the roof, but she is afraid of heights and she is still recovering from her accident.
Here is a message directly from J.R. himself:

Stay alert for new and exciting books that we will be releasing over the next months and years. We will release his next book, "Are Ghosts Real? No." as soon as our translation and graphic design departments can make sense of what J.R.'s daily scrolls mean. Please send him your love and support through instagram or via wavelength vibrational matching.
We have also signed a large deal with psychic researcher Abraxas Abaralabrabraha for three new books between now and 2030. Plus, we've acquired three of his earlier works from his previous publisher, The Wing Wang Publishing Co, as part of our acquisition of their entire catalog. Look for the rest of their books in the coming months.
Fans of vintage coloring books will be glad to know that your favorite books will be returning to artimorean.shop just as soon as we can sift through the ashes of our previous office and painstakingly rescan each and every image with as much love and attention as we did the first time. Look out for classics like The Gingerbread Paint Book, Little Mrs. Christmas, and The Pippin in our vintage coloring book section.
Thank you for sticking by us in these tough times as we work to rebuild our company from the ground up.
Your friends at Artimorean